Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Click to download large posterPrayer will lift our Spiritual life which will give
Us a successful life and Lead us to the Eternal life.
For our days to be peaceful, For our life to be
successful,For our spirituality to be fruitful,
Prayer is must.

The harder
the knees, the
softer the heart.

Take prayer as
your Weapon
to win the War.

My Cross

Click to download large posterOne day as I was sitting
While the sun was setting I heard the lord say
“would you carry the cross day by day
I thought for a moment and said ‘yes’
Thinking I would pass the test
But then I asked Him how big the cross
To that He replied
“not more than your shoulder across”
I asked will it be heavy
He said “not more than you could carry”
I asked again
“Lord! Will you help to carry till the end?”
Then the Lord answered in His love and compassion
“If I am not with you I would not give my cross to you”.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

God Holds Your Hand

Click to download larger posterGod understands each burden you bear,
He knows the trials of each day,
And sympathizing, lends an ear,
To hear you even before you pray.
He walks with those who trust His love,
He holds them by the hand to guide;
What need to fear or be dismayed,
With His dear Presence for your side!
“He knoweth the way that I take;
and when He hath
Tried me I shall come forth as gold”.

Guiding Light

Click to download larger posterWhile out on the SEA OF LIFE,
One very dark and stormy day,
I started drifting far from the shore,
I had lost my way

I heard voices calling out to me,
Because they knew that I was lost,
But I wanted to go my own way,
Not taking time to count the cost

I heard one voice say,
“Here, catch this lifeline and I’ll push you in,
But I thought I knew what was best,
So I continued in my sin.

God Knows

Click to download larger posterWhen you are tired and discouraged from fruitless effort
God knows how hard you have tried.
When you’ve cried so long and your heart is in anguish
God has counted your tears.

If you feel that your life is on hold and time has passed by
God is waiting for you.
When you are lonely and your friends are too busy even for a phone call
God is by your side.

The Masters Way

Click to download larger poster Not ours to know the reason why,
Unanswered is our prayer
But ours to wait for God‘s own time
To lift the cross we bear;

Not ours to know the reason why
From loved ones we must part,
But ours to live in faith and hope,
Though bleeding to the heart;

Not ours to know the reason
Why this anguish strife and pain,
But ours to know a crown of thorns
Sweet graces for us gain,